藝術家 Artist
作品主軸以體現女性視角下不同時空背景之女性相關議題。沈痛、無奈、戲謔等多種情緒投射,以第一人稱闡述著現代社會對於女性的既定思維。作品以銅為主要材質,「Beauty Device」、「妳物」、「.nc 」等系列以金屬機械加工及鍛敲技法細膩表現剛柔並濟的女性特質。
Li Yun Hsing was born in Taipei Taiwan in 1991. From 2009 to 2013 she went to National Taiwan University of Arts to study sculpture. This was her first exposure to three-dimensional structure and metal work. In college, she learned technical skills doing metal work and also gained a lot of experience of selling her work in galleries. Hsing started working with the concept of femininity when she was in college. She majored in metal arts for her BFA degree. Hsing thought jewelry making could train her to deal with details in metal and make her art more functional or wearable. She decided to pursue the Master’s degree in Jewelry Metal Arts at Academy of Art University. In 2015, she came to San Francisco to start her new campus life. Hsing continues her passion for art, and combines jewelry and sculpture to create her unique style dealing with feminine issue.
1991 出生
2017 美國加州 舊金山藝術大學 珠寶與金屬 藝術碩士
2013 國立臺灣藝術大學 美術學院雕塑學系
2021 「不安於是 - 女性藝術家聯展」,首都藝術中心,台北,台灣
「台湾記憶 彫刻展」雕塑聯展,入谷畫廊,東京,日本
2019 「時間扎記」典藏聯展 有章藝術博物館,台北,台灣
2018 「舊金山藝術大學春季秀」,加州,美國
2017 「舊金山藝術大學春季秀」,加州,美國
2016 「過去,現在,未來」, 珠寶與金屬藝術展,Cannery藝廊,舊金山,加州,美國
2015 「舊金山藝術大學春季秀」,加州,美國
2013 「雕塑空間X立體夜店」,雕塑美展,首都藝術中心,台北,台灣
2021 「Art Tainan 2021 台南藝術博覽會」,首都藝術展間,遠東香格里拉飯店,台南,台灣
「One Art Taipei 藝術台北」,首都藝術展間1516,西華飯店,台北,台灣
2020 「Art Kaohsiung 2020 高雄藝術博覽會」,Room 256首都藝術中心,城市商旅,高雄,台灣
2019 「第七屆台中藝術博覽會-雕塑半世紀」,日月千禧酒店,台中,台灣
2018 「第52屆 Creative Quarterly 美術類組」,第二名,美國
2017 「舊金山藝術大學春季秀」,最佳人氣獎,舊金山,美國
2016 「舊金山藝術大學春季秀」,第三名,舊金山,美國
2013 「國立臺灣藝術大學雕塑學系,師生美展」,金屬雕塑類,第一名,金屬特別獎
2012 「國立臺灣藝術大學,袖珍雕塑美展」,第二名
2011 「國立臺灣藝術大學,袖珍雕塑美展」,優選
2011 「國立臺灣藝術大學,袖珍雕塑美展」,入選
2013 「First Gift To Woman」,國立臺灣藝術大學博物館典藏,台北,台灣
2013 「“哪來的鐵?”西螺駐村鋼雕創作營」,雲林,台灣
Born 1991, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 MFA Jewelry and Metal Arts Academy of Art University
2013 BFA Sculpture College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts
Group Exhibition
2021 Taiwan’s Memory Sculpture Exhibition, Gallery IRIYA , Tokyo, Japan
2019 Time Journal, Collected Exhibition, the Our Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 "AnnualSculpture Exhibition, College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of ArtsDepartment of Sculpture,Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Spring Show, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Triptych, Jewelry and Metal Art Exhibition, Academy of Art University Galleries at The Cannery,San Francisco,CA
2017 Spring Show, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
2016 Past, Present, Future, Jewelry and Metal Art Exhibition, Academy of Art University Galleries at The Cannery,San Francisco,CA
Spring Show, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Influx: Future Directions in Jewelry and Metal Art, Academy of Art University Galleries at The Cannery, San Francisco, CA
2015 Spring Show, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
2013 The Space of Sculpture, Sculpture Exhibition, Capital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
UNTITLED -31, The Graduation Exhibition, College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of ArtsDepartment of Sculpture,Taipei, Taiwan
Pinch Hit at A Stretch, United Exhibition, Department of Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts,Taipei, Taiwan
Art Fair
2021 One Art Taipei 2021, Capital Art Center Room 1516, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Art Kaohsiung 2020, Capital Art Center Room 256, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Art Taichung 2019 Half Century of Sculpture, Millennium Hotel Taichung, Taichung, Taiwan
2018 Creative Quarterly 52, Fine Art, Runner-up, U.S.A
Academy of Art University, Spring Show Student Choice MFA
2017 Academy of Art University, Spring Show Faculty Choice MFA
2016 Academy of Art University, Spring Show Third Place MFA
2013 College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Sculpture Exhibition, First Place,Special Award of Metal Arts,Taiwan
2012 The Shoebox Exhibition, College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts, Second Place
2011 College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Sculpture Exhibition, Superior Class
College of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts The Shoebox Exhibition, Outstanding Performances
Level C technician for jewelry processing
2022.05.14- 2022.06.11
2021.05.01- 2021.05.29
2023.01.13- 2023.01.15
1970.01.01- 1970.01.01
2022.01.14- 2022.01.16
2021.03.11- 2021.03.14
2021.01.15- 2021.01.17