
告別關係中的你仍如此美麗 - 李霽洵個展 | You Are Beautiful Even When You Say Goodbye - Chi-Hsun LEE Solo Exhibition


開幕 2022.7.30 (六) PM3:00




精選作品Selected Work

我將繼續前進 I am on the way on
允許懶懶 Idle
欲仙 Soar
猶抱琵琶半遮面 Still holds partly concealed
相對無語 VI Silence between us VI
艾麗根 Elegant
露迪奎絲 ludicrous
作為一枝花,我要 As a flower, I want to
但你終究不是蝴蝶 But you're not a butterfly
卻纖細得無可救藥 Hopeless
天真 Innocent
歡迎回家 II Welcome home II
相對無語III Silence between us III
寂靜日常-冬 Silent daily - Winter
寂靜日常-秋 Silent daily - Autumn
寂靜日常-夏 Silent daily - Summer
寂靜日常-春 Silent daily - Spring






Artist`s statement

Thus was born this work, this title, this relationship and me.

It's just that there are too many lovely but sad things happening repeatedly, and no one can stay out of it. Once I witnessed domestic violence, which profoundly influenced my perception and experience of structural complicity. Indeed, you can shout for justice or vigorously judge right from wrong. But what I’m trying to say is that if you can take your heart away from the drama, you’ll seem to understand that whatever is destined to happen will happen.

Returning to me and my works, they are very much related to how I learned to be more socialized when dealing with relationships. The process of understanding, adapting and accepting probably explains why my works transform from most animals to bearing more characteristics of ‘human-being’. They begin with merely having a lower body to having a waistline, stretching upward to having a chest, finally having a face, and even owning a pair of breasts. Facing this pair of fat, so-called breasts, how burdensome but beautiful, just like as a woman, there are many annoying and delightful things happening in life. This makes me ponder. Perhaps, those pesky and painful body memories provide nutrients for blooming flowers. This also constantly reminds me that different roles and relationships are inherently indistinguishable and deserve humility.