藝術家 Artist

李霽洵 Lee Chi Hsun 1992-

經濟作物-3 Economic Crop No.3
心有所屬 Heart has found its place
理想情人 Perfect match
經濟作物-2 Economic Crop No.2
控制練習一 Controlled practice 1
緩慢行走的青春 The youth that walks slowly
你眼裡便是最美的風景 Your eyes are the most beautiful scenery
練習優雅 Practicing Elegance
別怕別怕,我只想好好說話 Take it easy, I just want to talk peacefully
我將繼續前進 I am on the way on
允許懶懶 Idle
欲仙 Soar
猶抱琵琶半遮面 Still holds partly concealed
相對無語 VI Silence between us VI
艾麗根 Elegant
露迪奎絲 ludicrous
作為一枝花,我要 As a flower, I want to
但你終究不是蝴蝶 But you're not a butterfly
卻纖細得無可救藥 Hopeless
天真 Innocent
若無其事 As if nothing happened
歡迎回家 II Welcome home II
相對無語V Silence between us V
相對無語IV Silence between us IV
相對無語III Silence between us III
相對無語II Silence between us II
相對無語I Silence between us I
寂靜日常-冬 Silent daily - Winter
寂靜日常-秋 Silent daily - Autumn
寂靜日常-夏 Silent daily - Summer
寂靜日常-春 Silent daily - Spring
那些隱隱躁動的午後 Those faint and restless afternoons
經濟作物-3 Economic Crop No.3
心有所屬 Heart has found its place
理想情人 Perfect match
經濟作物-2 Economic Crop No.2
控制練習一 Controlled practice 1
緩慢行走的青春 The youth that walks slowly
你眼裡便是最美的風景 Your eyes are the most beautiful scenery
練習優雅 Practicing Elegance
別怕別怕,我只想好好說話 Take it easy, I just want to talk peacefully
我將繼續前進 I am on the way on
允許懶懶 Idle
欲仙 Soar
猶抱琵琶半遮面 Still holds partly concealed
相對無語 VI Silence between us VI
艾麗根 Elegant
露迪奎絲 ludicrous
作為一枝花,我要 As a flower, I want to
但你終究不是蝴蝶 But you're not a butterfly
卻纖細得無可救藥 Hopeless
天真 Innocent
若無其事 As if nothing happened
歡迎回家 II Welcome home II
相對無語V Silence between us V
相對無語IV Silence between us IV
相對無語III Silence between us III
相對無語II Silence between us II
相對無語I Silence between us I
寂靜日常-冬 Silent daily - Winter
寂靜日常-秋 Silent daily - Autumn
寂靜日常-夏 Silent daily - Summer
寂靜日常-春 Silent daily - Spring
那些隱隱躁動的午後 Those faint and restless afternoons




"Sharp deposition” is my character which has been impressed in many people. Besides, I am captivated by beautiful legs that have much in common as presented in my artwork. I can show such tenderness toward others as well as inward myself. Like this contradiction feeling was never end in my growth life. Yet, you may see a cockroach with beautiful legs of my works, which is origin of depression by stereotype in that time. That would be said spreading rebellion from my mind.

Like a performer, I keep performing on a small stage and developing. Articulating on such kind of STRANGE animal – definitely the same among slim, fleshy, beautiful and ugly women; and it could arouse happiness, anger, favor and loathe. I don’t know that I shall cry helpless due to unfairness or express brightly smiles. At meantime, we are either protesting oppression or enjoying severity, being victim or accomplice level. Ha! Everything will be all right.

1992 出生


2014 國立臺灣藝術大學 木雕組


2022 「告別關係的你仍如此美麗」李霽洵個展,首都藝術中心,台北,台灣

2018 「安 生」李霽洵木雕創作個展,陶華灼藝廊,新北,台灣


2021 「不安於是 - 女性藝術家聯展」,首都藝術中心,台北,台灣

2020 「刓無缺 當代具象木雕觀察展」,首都藝術中心,台北,台灣

2019 「潘朵拉遊戲」,涅普頓畫廊,台北,台灣




2018 「豬事如意」-2019東籬新春小品雕塑展,東籬畫廊,台北,台灣


2017 「物我兩忘-種子藝術聚落創作特展」,北投九號 白空間,台北,台灣


2016 「小圈圈」劉欣宜 X 李霽洵 雙個展,秋刀魚藝術中心,台北,台灣


 「木質慾2015」聯展,CAM+193 ,台北,台灣

2015 「青春.com III」聯展,夢12美學空間,台北,台灣


2020 「Art Formosa 2020 福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」,首都藝術中心展位,誠品行旅,台北,台灣



2019 「2019台中藝術博覽會」,日月千禧酒店,台中,台灣

2018 「漾藝術博覽會」,駁二藝術特區,高雄,台灣

2017 「2017台中藝術博覽會」,台中日月千禧酒店,台中,台灣


 「亞洲當代藝術展 春季展」,港麗酒店,香港,中國

2016 「第八屆台北國際當代藝術博覽會」,台北喜來登大飯店,台北,台灣

2015 「第七屆台北國際當代藝術博覽會」,台北喜來登大飯店,台北,台灣


2019 「2019國際木雕競賽」入選,三義木雕博物館,苗栗,台灣



2020 「一個人的旅程」,藝術銀行典藏,台中,台灣


2018 「2018西螺木雕創作營」,西螺延平老街文化館,雲林,台灣

2012 「2012木雕藝術薪傳創作營」,三義木雕博物館,苗栗,台灣

Born 1992, Taipei, Taiwan


2014 Graduate from Wood Carving Team, Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts

Solo Exhibition

2022 You Art Beautiful Even When You Say Goodbye - Chi Hsun LEE Solo Exhibition, Capital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

2018 "安 生" Solo Exhibition, THZ Gallery, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Group Exhibition

2021 Break the Rules - The women artists, Capital art center, Taipei, Taiwan

2020 FLAWLESS - Contemporary Figurative Wood Sculpture Exhibition, Capital art center, Taipei, Taiwan

2019 PANDORA’S GAME, Neptune Gallery, Taipei

 Asia pacific exchange exhibition of wood art "SHAPES OF THE WOODLAND", Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli

 The warm of the deep forest, THZ Gallery, New Taipei City

 “豬來了!雕塑創作聯展”, THZ Gallery, New Taipei City

2018 “豬事如意 - 2019東籬新春小品雕塑展“, Dongli Gallery, Taipei

 “狗來賦-東籬戊戌祈願春展”, Dongli Gallery, Taipei

2017 “物我兩忘-種子藝術聚落創作特展”, 北投九號 白空間 , Taipei

 “材質語境” Asia Art Exhibition of Youth Contemporary Wood Sculpture in Taiwan, Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, Miaoli

2016 "Small Circle" A Couple Solo Show by Shinyi Liu & Chihsun Li, Fish Art Center , Taipei

 Fotanian Open Studios, Fo Tan, Hong Kong

2015 “木質慾2015” Group Exhibition , CAM+193, Taipei

 “Young.com III” Group Exhibition, Moon12 Art, Taipei

Art Fair

2020 Art Formosa 2020, Capital Art Center, eslite hotel, Taipei, Taiwan

 Art Taipei 2020, Capital Art Center, Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1,Taipei, Taiwan

 Art Taichung 2020, Millennium Hotel Taichung , Taichung

2019 Art Taichung 2019, Millennium Hotel Taichung , Taichung

2018 2018 Young Art Kaohsiung, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung

2017 Art Taichung 2017, Millennium Hotel Taichung, Taichung

 Art Beijing, Agricultural Exhibition Center , Beijing

 Asia Contemporary Art Show Spring Edition, Conrad Hong Kong Hotel, Hong Kong

2016 Young Art Taipei Contemporary Hotel Art Fair, Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel, Taipei

2015 Young Art Taipei Contemporary Hotel Art Fair, Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel, Taipei


2020 A lonely traveler in life journey, Art Bank, Taichung, Taiwan


2019 2019 Taiwan international wood sculpture competition, selected, Miaoli

 2019 Taitung Art Exhibition, Taitung Art Museum, Taitung