
繁花 - 林宏信個展 | Over Abundance – LIN Hung Hsin Solo Exhibition

首都藝術中心很榮幸再次與藝術家林宏信合作,在後疫情時代,穩定回歸日常步調之際,呈現「繁花 - 林宏信個展」。承接藝術家於2022年「簡單構成」對真實與擬仿的自我提問後,此次個展則藉由繪畫常見且基本的題材「花」,將現今日常生活中大量圖像的濫觴,經數位媒介含各類資訊的狂轟猛炸下,當代生活所剩無幾的心靈空洞。何謂繪畫?是藝術家解構創作本質後再構成的釋疑,但現在,當攝影、電腦繪圖、人工智能、社群網路等科技產物的影響下,藝術存有於當代生活中,是心靈的救贖或淪為曇花一現的免洗商品?正是藝術家欲再思辯的題目。展期為5月5日(星期五)至6月3日(星期六),開幕茶會舉行於5月13日(星期六),我們誠摯邀請您的蒞臨。 

談論到科技與藝術,靈光(Aura)、攝影、印刷、電影、留聲機…等,皆為必然討論的關鍵字與發展,但第三次工業革命至工業4.0(第四次工業革命)以降,短短二十年間的突破可謂天翻地覆,即使是多以人因情感為主要導向的藝術產業,當年的思想家必定無法預言如此巨大且革新的變化。當然,再革新、突破的工具皆有其兩面刃(呼應班雅明(Walter Benjamin,1892-1940)批評法西斯主義對藝術的詮釋),也是藝術家將最基本的藝術語彙「花」,透過科技的介入(解構、剝離、失焦、拼貼),卻以最傳統的媒材再現於畫布上,回應人人都百花齊放、繁花過盛又過剩的年代。

安迪·沃荷(Andy Warhol,1928 - 1987)的15分鐘定律(Fifteen minutes of fame)相較下已是最貼近當代日常的預言,但他無法預言的是,當這些為了流量分崩離析的生命價值,是否真能留下些什麼?無謂的社群挑戰、區塊鍊技術、非同質化代幣、人工智能繪圖…等,真正繁花過剩的究竟是人的行為?還是人因產物下造就的犧牲、浪費與毫無意義呢?引述蔡幸芝教授於《繁花爭豔:寫實繪畫中的數位顯影術》所述:「藝術家藉助數位科技來回構思,仍是以他的雙手及靈魂在進行創作。如同加拿大傳播學者麥克盧漢(Marshall McLuhan,1911-1980)稱許新媒體在藝術家那裡得到最好的理解及研究,他們是把握時代思想及新可能性的先鋒。林宏信的繁花作品,讓我們看見新科技不僅使藝術的新式互動成為可能,藝術也對新科技採取更多省思及運用可能做出貢獻。」,或許我們都在藝術中尋求真正的解答吧。

精選作品Selected Work

繁花 27 Over. Abundance 27
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繁花 13 Over Abundance 13
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安迪·沃荷(Andy Warhol,1928 - 1987)曾說:「在未來,每個人都會有十五分鐘的成名時間」(In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.),在這個資訊爆炸、自媒體發達、人人可以利用網路成為名人的時代,似乎貼切,甚有過之!我試著用繪畫來回應處於這個時代的視覺經驗,繁花盛開甚至過剩的年代!

The Artist Statement of Over. Abundance

On the Reproduction of “Reality”

The development of figurative painting initially relied on the artists’ visual observation, as they depicted real-life objects through imitation. However, with the advent of photography, the trajectory of representation has shifted. Realist painters now frequently use photographs as their references, often directly imitating and reproducing the perspective, scene, and color of the photographs. As a result, people have come to perceive photographs as accurate representations, despite advances in optical and chemical imaging technology showing that the color tone, lighting, and shadow depicted in photographs can deviate significantly from reality.

As cameras have replaced the function of reproduction, painters are left only to imitate and reproduce the “realness” of photographs, resulting in replications of representations. Today, with the advent of the digital age, images are constructed from binary code, consisting of 0s and 1s, and our eyes have become accustomed to dazzling and varied images. With rapid advancements in image processing technology and the proliferation of the internet and online communities, images have gained even more possibilities. We now unconsciously encounter and assimilate tens of thousands of images every day, which have become a crucial source of our visual experience. Digital images have also become critical references for contemporary artists. Put simply, our sense of color is shaped by what we see on screens, influencing the “reality” we believe in.

Blurred Subjects and Sharp Edges

I aim to capture the contemporary visual experience by utilizing the screen (optical) color as the primary color tone of my work. To achieve this, I apply selfie retouching techniques that are commonly used, such as skin beautification and blurring. I deliberately abandon the traditional depth of field of the subject, opting for an unreasonable soft focus on most of the subject. Through cut-and-paste and chroma key techniques, I merge chosen objects, such as flowers, with hard edges on a plane background in an illogical manner. Additionally, I incorporate color strips similar to those found in negative films, resulting in a continuous contrast of colors and contradictions. These elements are a metaphor for the absurdity and visual stimulation that one encounters in the online world.

The scattered color blocks in the background are the residual fragments of reality that remain after randomly removing the original backgrounds. These fragments of reality manifest as abstract lines and color surfaces, reflecting the predicament that is all too common in modern society. Despite being bombarded with copious amounts of videos and information on a daily basis, we struggle to fully comprehend and process them.

We are accustomed to the way the focus of the retina and the focus of the camera make the subject clear while blurring the background. This effect creates a clearer foreground and a more blurred background. As a result, primary and secondary subjects are easily distinguishable. This visual experience has long been reflected in figurative painting. However, in this series of works, I took elements from real object images, used digital image processing to simulate optical coloring, and then reproduced them realistically on paper. By doing so, I deliberately shifted the focus from the subject to the object, resulting in a purposely blurred subject and sharply defined edges and background. After cropping the image, the subject is highlighted, and its notable volume and “normal” light and shadow make it appear reasonably close to reality. However, appropriately blurring the image can create a sense of distance that feels familiar. This sense of distance can actually be more realistic. To suppress the authenticity of the image, I placed the subject abruptly near the center and added a flat rectangular (or other shaped) color block. What kind of ambivalence is this based on? Does it prompt self-reflection, or it may also be seen as a boring tautology? I wonder if this folding of meaning causes a qualitative change in meaning, but I have no answer.

All Flowers Bloom Together in the Internet Era

The challenge of working with a common and familiar material like “flowers” is how to avoid repeating the ideas of previous artists. To accomplish this, I eliminate the conventional meaning of “flower” and deconstruct the image’s structure by avoiding the imitation of natural elements like environment, flower color, or depth of field. Instead, I focus on the fundamental aspects of painting, such as color, structure, layering, shape, and composition, in order to break free from the figurative appearance of the “flower” and transform it into fragmented color blocks or elements of composition. By using a collage-like approach and cutting strips of color, I look to turn the realistic and figurative “flower” into an abstract symbol in my work.

Therefore, what kind of “flower” is depicted in my work holds little significance to me, as my choice is primarily based on shape and color. I draw inspiration from the way in which all flowers bloom together in the era of we media, especially how images flood various communities and video websites, creating a powerful and impactful perception.

Andy Warhol (1928-1987) once said: “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” In today’s era of information overload and we media, his words couldn’t be more relevant, as the internet has the power to turn anyone into a celebrity. As an artist, I aim to capture the visual experience of this era, where all flowers bloom together and everything is overabundance.