藝術家 Artist

徐畢華 Jessica Pi-Hua Hsu 1957-

詩意的黎明 Poetic Dawn
黃金伊甸 Golden Eden
諾亞 Noah
金洋 Golden Ocean
空山靈雨 Timely Rain
吉諾佩第 Gymnopédies
蓋亞 Gaia
紫色芳華 Purple scent
春水回眸 Spring River
第一道曙光 the First Morning Twilight
意境山水 Landscape
大器開闔 Atomsphere
契機 Moment
文心 The heart of poetry lingers
生之華 The flower of life
種籽的冥想 Seed meditation
大樂之光 True glow
時空行書 Space script
凌風欲飛 Glide
漫步在雲端 Walking in the air
秋陽回眸 Autumn Sun
秋潮 Autumn tide
太虛 The universe
漂浮的種籽 Floating seeds
飛天行書 Cursive handwriting
悟 Consciousness
藍色思維 Blue mind
觀照 Observation
自然天書 Nature
芳心 Heart of youth
尋 Seek
日昇之樹 The tree of sun rises
花季 Blossom season
山林的呼喚 The call of the forest
諾亞 Noah
金洋 Golden Ocean
吉諾佩第 Gynop' edies
詩意的黎明 Poetic Dawn
黃金伊甸 Golden Eden
諾亞 Noah
金洋 Golden Ocean
空山靈雨 Timely Rain
吉諾佩第 Gymnopédies
蓋亞 Gaia
紫色芳華 Purple scent
春水回眸 Spring River
第一道曙光 the First Morning Twilight
意境山水 Landscape
大器開闔 Atomsphere
契機 Moment
文心 The heart of poetry lingers
生之華 The flower of life
種籽的冥想 Seed meditation
大樂之光 True glow
時空行書 Space script
凌風欲飛 Glide
漫步在雲端 Walking in the air
秋陽回眸 Autumn Sun
秋潮 Autumn tide
太虛 The universe
漂浮的種籽 Floating seeds
飛天行書 Cursive handwriting
悟 Consciousness
藍色思維 Blue mind
觀照 Observation
自然天書 Nature
芳心 Heart of youth
尋 Seek
日昇之樹 The tree of sun rises
花季 Blossom season
山林的呼喚 The call of the forest
諾亞 Noah
金洋 Golden Ocean
吉諾佩第 Gynop' edies


徐畢華, 1957年生於台灣, 1979政大教育系畢業, 在福爾摩沙的好山好水好文化薰陶下,涵泳出她樂天知命的靈性氣質。1987負笈美國,在加州柏克來大學藝研所主修藝術史, 1989又前往波士頓美術館學院主修繪畫。1993歐美歸國後,二十多年來簡居台北老泉半山,「自然山水是她的修行導師,畫布與田園是她的修行道場」,以耕讀筆繪為志,道藝合一 ,是一位樂活的當代藝術行者!

其飽滿的創作心靈來自音樂、舞蹈、寫作、花道、色彩、冥想、自然山水、文化經典、、、等多方滋潤。卻以「減法」的創作與生活哲學「養」出她別具女性能量與東方意境的「靈性抽象畫」。 她善於活用周遭元素及西方媒材,色彩澄明,極富當代時尚思潮﹔用筆卻獨具中國的法書勁道及氣韻生動精神,更融合抽象表現主義、立體派及色域繪畫風格,在奔放、凝練之間收放自如,作品呈現大器、逍遙、正向的生命能量。


Jessica Pi-Hua Hsu was born in Formosa, Taiwan in 1957. In 1979 she received her Degree in Education from National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan. In 1987 she did graduate study in the History of Art at the University of California, Berkley, U.S.A. In 1989 she majored in painting at the Museum School of Fine Arts in Boston, U.S.A.

Hsu’s arts have multiple cultural visions that reflect both Eastern and Western aesthetic vigor, as well as traditional and contemporary sustenance. Hsu’s uninhibited creativity is inspired by music, dance, meditation, natural scenery, and classical culture. Her life philosophy and creative style which emphasizes "reduction" provides energy to her "literary abstract paintings" which are grand, carefree, and spacious.

Hsu is a prolific abstract artist who specializes in mixed media creation and cross-disciplinary collaboration. She often channels her originality through Chinese flower arrangement research , writing essays and poems on nature and humanity, and body art performance. Her work consistently displays sophisticated execution of concept and exuberant passion for life. Her style contains western minimalism, bright colors, and the energetic rhythm of Chinese calligraphy..

Her works are shown in many major international art fairs and exhibitions in Asia, U.S.A. and in Europe. Her paintings, cross-media artwork, and video media are highly valued and collected all over the world.